Installing into a Clustered Environment

When installing the application on a Windows Server clustered environment, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Install the application on the first node. Note that you will need to provide some additional information when installing in a clustered environment.
  2. Install the application on the next node. Most of the information is defaulted, based on the information provided in the first installation. In most cases, the information should not be changed when installing the second node.
  3. Ensure that the active node has access to the shared storage location.

Cluster Installation Steps for Windows Server

  1. Select StartAdministrative Tools, and launch Failover Cluster Manager.
  2. In the cluster configuration, highlight Services and applications, and select “Configure a Service or Application…” to start the appropriate wizard.
  3. Select “Generic Service” from the Select Service or Application screen.
  4. Select the VocollectWebApplicationsVoiceCheck service to configure, and choose an available name.
  5. Assign the shared cluster disk to the service on the Select Storage screen.
  6. Continue and finish the wizard; a new service configuration will appear under Services and applications.
  7. Edit the properties of the VocollectWebApplicationsVoiceCheck service in the configuration to remove all Startup parameters.

Installing to a Clustered Database

Install VoiceCheck using a clustered database to house VoiceCheck data.

JDBC Format

When you install to an Oracle RAC, you must specify the JDBC URL in the following format:


Note how this format is very different from the format used to specify the JDBC URL for a single Oracle Enterprise install:


When installing VoiceCheck to use a clustered SQL Server database, point to the IP address of the cluster. Consult Microsoft online resources for more information about setting up a clustered or load-balanced SQL Server database.